
KIAI, The Real Contributions of UMY for Feeding the Nation

October 21, 2016, oleh: admin Fisipol

Bambang Wahyu Nugroho as the Vice Dean of Student Affairs, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences opened Lecture Intensive Al-Islam (KIAI) on Monday (10/17/2016) in Unires Putri. The opening of this fourth wave KIAI attended by male students majoring in Communication Studies and Governmental Studies, amounting to around 125 students. In his opening speech, Bambang

Official Inaugurated, Student Executive Board of Faculty Social and Political Science UMY 2016-2017 Offer a Vision Research Organization

October 21, 2016, oleh: admin Fisipol

The leadership of Student Executive Board of Faculty Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Officially began  after 87 members were inaugurated on Monday, 17th October 2016 and located at the Mini Theatre UMY PPB. Inauguration that occurred about an hour, were Attended by the Dean Faculty Social and Political Science, President of the Students

RDK UMY Gelar Bazar Murah Ramadhan

June 27, 2016, oleh: admin Fisipol

Ramadhan di Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (RDK UMY) kembali menggelar bazar murah Ramadhan untuk 200 orang yang melibatkan masyarakat di sekitar kampus. Agenda rutin yang diadakan setiap bulan Ramadhan tersebut, diselenggarakan langsung oleh takmir masjid KH. Ahmad Dahlan UMY dengan melibatkan aktivis mahasiswa UMY. Untuk mendukung acara bazar tersebut, dibutuhkan kerjasama eksternal untuk menjangkau masyarakat

Empat Mahasiswa UMY ikuti Temasek Foundation Scale di Singapore Polytechnic

June 13, 2016, oleh: admin Fisipol

Empat mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) berhasil terpilih sebagai peserta Student Exchange Temasek Foundation Scale (Specialist Community Action & Leadership Exchange) di Singapore Polytechnic pada 5 hingga 25 Juni 2016. Kegiatan tersebut dibiayai penuh oleh Temasek Foundation Singapura, dan diikuti oleh peserta dari Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina dan Vietnam. Keempat mahasiswa tersebut adalah Eko Sumanjaya (Hubungan