Migration and Violence in Indonesia

December 28, 2011, oleh: admin Fisipol

JKSG seminar series : ISEAS present in UMY
JK school of government (JKSG) UMY held a seminar on titled ‘ Migration and Violence in Indonesia ; Poliy and current conflict in Papua, Sumatra and Maluku’. The seminar held at AR. Fachruddin  B Building, 5th floor, Integrated Campus of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Thursday (27/12/11).
This seminar held as JKSG director, Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, said in his welcoming speech, “beside to perceiving many kind of conflict happened in Indonesia recently, start with Papua case, Mesuji both Lampung and South Sumatra, also the longest conflict, Maluku”. He also concerning to the possibility of growing a cooperation between JKSG UMY and ISEAS (Institute of South east Asian studies), Singapore in the future.
Present as the first presenter, Mr. Aris ananta, Ph.D, a senior research fellow at ISEAS. He said related to the effect of conflict it self, that will decrease the prosperity of society. And one thing government should concern is about the conflict resolution. “We should change our late paradigm, the most emergency action and waiting to do is to prospering the societies who have been affected by the conflict”, Said Mr Ananta.
There are methods of that new Paradigm to facing the conflict resolution. “I called it as a Ananta’s Paradigm of Method”, he add. The method was simple, it contain three key points, they are : renew the good government, renew the environment and make an advanced age as an asset of knowledge, asset of wise and so on.
Also present as a discussant, Mrs. Evi Nurvidya Arifin, Ph.D, a visiting research fellow of ISEAS. She is try to show the 4 mega trend of the world, which is related to migration of demography in Indonesia. “There are four mega trend of the world, the first one is power balance friction of the world, develop country’s population will decreasing and it will increase in under develop country, and Indonesia is up”, She said.
The second is about advanced age growth number. Peoples of Developed country seem like don’t want to have a children, but they want to live along time. Third, Muslim country will be the centre of Population growth; they still keep to have a children. And the last is about urbanization, entering the 2008, 50% of population are live in the city (town).
In Indonesia, there are several mega trend of demography. Indonesia seems to be a Market basic and production, and high rate of Mobility. And that’s the problem. There are a big chance of conflict in urbanization phenomenon.